Nina has to construct an octal counter counting from 00 to 17. Since no shops are open during lockdown she has to construct it using the available components. She has 2 CD4511 bcd to 7segment display decoder driver, 1 IC 7493 (mod 16 counter) and 2 common cathode 7 segment display. Help her realize this.(use a function generator to provide the clock signal)
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NOTE:- There is a minimum no: of participants required for the event in a particular.
So if the number is less than the required no: of participants, then the person who manages to complete all the 4 levels successfully will be the event winner as decided by the Mixed Signals club.
1.The event is planned for a span of around 10 days consisting of 4 different levels.
2.Participants should only attempt the questions assigned to their respective year of study.
3.There will be a common registration link for all the participants which will be open throughout the event. It is mandatory to register for the event before starting to participate in any of the levels.
4.People can start participating from any of the 4 levels.
5.The link for each of the levels will be open only for a specified period of time. Participants need to submit the work within the time frame.
6.Submission of the work after the specified time will not be considered for evaluation.
7.Separate grading will be done for each of the levels. The one who submits first will be awarded more marks.
8.If there is any difficulty in saving the document, then do take a screen recording of your work and submit it.
9.The event winners will be asked for an ID verification.